When two hearts seem to be perfectly meant for each other, bound together with every smile and laugh shared throughout time, disaster seems to be no where in sight.
And yet in a single moment, a flash of inconsistency, a raw emotional hiccup in time, it all becomes a dream.
The memories of starry nights, french fries and chocolate dipped ice cream cones, and the sweetest kisses are now only something longed to be explained.
Why, one might ask. Why, how, what, and when become a jumbled chaos of questions in the brain of a teary-eyed seventeen girl who just wants to understand.
Could she have done something different? Said something sweeter?
Clinging to truth, to love, to grace she sits. Basking in the power of love that could only come from her Savior, her Redeemer.
For although she sits, teary-eyed and heartbroken, she is not alone.
Nor will she ever be.