Sunday, October 26, 2014

God is so good guys. And sometimes I forget that.

Sometimes I think I'm entitled to living a life full of clothes and money and no problems.

And then there are days like today where the Lord is so real, so close, and so precious to me.

He saved me; a wretched, broken, insecure, 17 year old.

He chose me and loves me with a love that binds all joy and peace and grace into one.

And he didn't have to do that at all you guys. He CHOSE us with a boldness and a passion that we can't even fathom because He wanted to make sure that not a day went by that we wouldn't feel his love.

When I sit on the floor sobbing about my problems that seem to drown me in self doubt and anxiety, he calls me out saying,

"Not today Amanda. Today you are my child, my gift, my joy;

today I will walk with you through this and the next day

and the next day after that until eternity.

Until you precious child realize your worth in my eyes.

Until you sing to the world of your wholeness in me.

And until you never let go of my forever love.

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