Sunday, June 29, 2014

Answering the Hard Questions

Relationships can be tricky. Sometimes their tragic, sometimes beautiful but where do we as Christians stand? Do we fall into the continuous cycle of the dating game or do we begin to ask the hard questions?

I myself struggle with the hard questions. Do I date the right guy at the wrong time? Am I dating the wrong guy? Does this fit in with the Lord's plan for my life? Do I risk my relationship with my parents for a guy that stole my heart?

Never have relationships tugged at my heart more then they have this year. More and more I see the beautiful design God created in two people laughing, crying, smiling, and living life together.

As a high schooler, I long for the kind of love my parents possess. I long for a relationship that knows no end to the grace that needs to be given throughout hard times. And I long for the time where these hard questions will all make sense.

Until then, my heart must be open to change. My heart must be willing to see the questions and evaluate them from where I stand as a 16 year old who's just on the cusp of life. Yeah, it sucks sometimes, but someday I want to look back and remember that I was willing to answer the hard questions.

I was able to look beyond my emotional state and fight through the struggle of what my heart is telling me and what my mind is telling me.

I was able to remember that God's plan is far greater then mine even when I don't understand where he's taking me.

And lastly, I was able to cling to the beautiful realization that there will be a time in my life where the pieces will fall together, the timing will be there, and the questions of why, how, whom, and when will fade away into something truly remarkable.

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